Today: Omina rants about "sellout" musicians who try to make a living at what they do and ask fans if they should sell out too.
Opinion insert: They'll shame anybody who isn't exactly like them and who takes interest in anything "mainstream." Maybe they should get off their high horses and realize that their way isn't the only way and if they were truly as accepting and peaceful as they say, they should stop condemning everyone who doesn't do things their way.
Throwback Thursday: See our previous Omina article on Shaman Steve blasting the ALS ice bucket challenge, calling it an unworthy cause because enough people don't die each year. (14,000 people)
Link: Steve Blasts ALS Challenge
- Ninja Fish Facebook page
Okay, so maybe I'm judging him too harshly, but the whole tone of his post was condescending and had the feel that he was trying to shame fans for listening to anyone who had signed with a label. Why always with the hate, Shaman Steve? I used to like Omina. If you like Omina, do yourself a favor and don't follow them on social media. It will completely shatter your image. They're not the sweet, loving pagans they seem to be. They're harsh, unkind, and seem to hate anything that's not their way.
Come on guys. Let it go. Your way isn't the only way, and you shouldn't hate on everybody who sees things differently. What it comes down to is that we're all humans and we all have the right to like what we like without others shaming us for our choices. You're not really upholding what you pretend to stand for.
What do you think? Are we being too harsh? Or is Steve on another one of his famous hate-rants again? Be sure to check the link above to read the last time he was on a hate jag. As for today's post, here's the link. Decide for yourself and share your thoughts with us in the comments or on our Facebook post. Better yet, share it on Omina's post.
Link: Omina Post
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